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Introduction Cutscene

Introduction Cutscene

Introduction cutscene can be seen here.

Coming in the future

Corruption Turrets/Pack a Punch

Corruption Turrets/Pack a Punch

In order for certain areas of the map to have power the player must activate Corruption Turrets. There are 4 of these which are located in 'Spawn Room', 'Mob of the Dead', 'Verruckt' and 'Der Eisendrache. By default all of these will have a blue beam coming from them.

Normal Corruption Turret

The player must activate the Corruption Turret in the middle and once they do this will start a mini lock down event which usually lasts 30 seconds. The player will be attacked by Furies and sometimes Keepers as well. The player can either choose to kill them or just ignore them until the Corruption Turret is cleansed. Once the Corruption Turret is cleansed then it shall turn from blue to red and also have a portal opened which takes the player to Nacht der Untoten.

Cleansed Corruption Turret

Once the player has activated all Corruption Turrets they will need to use one of the portals to head into 'Nacht der Untoten'. Once inside they need to head upstairs to where Jugger-Nog is located and interact with a terminal with 4 green lights on it once the giant Apothicon fly's by. The terminal will make a noise and flash red and green to indicate when it needs to be interacted with. Once done this will cause a beam of electricity to trap the Apothicon on the ground and open up a staircase next to the terminal. The player will then need to head down to the Apothicons mouth where it will then suck in the player to its stomach. Once inside the player needs to shoot 3 yellow tubes which will free the Pack a Punch so the player has access to it.

Behind the Pack a Punch are exits which take the player to the different islands of the map. From left to right they are as follows 'Mob of the Dead', 'Verruckt', 'Der Eisendrache' and 'Spawn Room'. The player simply needs to walk up to one of these exits and they will then be pulled through and sent to the location they chose.

If they wish to enter the Pack a Punch area again then they just need to head to 'Nacht der Untoten' and go into the Apothicons mouth once again.

Pack a Punch Exits

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Shield and show how it functions. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

The Shield


The Shield can be built on the map and will help the player to be protected from the back or front. The player can also use the Shield to blast away zombies. The parts for the Shield are located at 'Origins', 'Verruckt' and 'Der Eisendrache'. The player can pick up all parts in one go and then craft the Shield inside of 'Nacht der Untoten' on the workbench.

Dragon Shield Head
Dragon Shield Middle Body
Dragon Shield Top Body

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to build the Shield and show how it functions. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Upgraded Lil Arnies

Upgraded Lil Arnies

To acquire the Upgraded Lil Arnies the player must first obtain them from the Mystery Box.

Lil Arnies Mystery Box

They will then need to kill 150 zombies with the Lil Arnies. Once they have done so they will need to head to the 'Spawn Room' and throw a Lil Arnies into the top church window. Once they do so the Lil Arnie will activate and be teleported away by Samantha who shall start laughing. If the player then looks down at their hud they will now have max Lil Arnies given to them.

When the player now throws the Lil Arnies they will be upgraded. The upgraded Lil Arnies do more damage, have higher chance of power-ups spawning and last longer.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to acquire the Upgraded Lil Arnies. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Upgraded Apothicon Servant

Upgraded Apothicon Servant

To acquire the Upgraded Apothicon Servant the player must first obtain it from the Mystery Box.

Apothicon Servant Mystery Box

Once the player has obtained the Apothicon Servant they will need to find and shoot 5 blue rocks located in the sky in multiple parts of the map with the Apothicon Servant.

Apothicon Servant Blue Rocks

After all 5 blue rocks are shot with the Apothicon Servant the player can now go to the Pack a Punch and find all the blue rocks inside of it. They shall now be able to pack a punch the Apothicon Servant for 5000 points.

Pack a Punch with Blue Rocks

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to acquire the Upgraded Apothicon Servant. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

M1927 Wallbuy/Weapon Trade Table

M1927 Wallbuy/Weapon Trade Table

The player can unlock a secret M1927 (Tommy Gun) weapon wallbuy and also a weapon trading table for use for the rest of the game.

In order to start this the player will need to head to 'Der Eisendrache' and activate the anti gravity mode and collect a pink chalk sitting on one of the wall pillars.

Pink Chalk Close up

Once the player has the Pink Chalk they will now need to find multiple pieces of wall text around the map and place them in their correct map locations. The video below shows all the locations and order.

After all the wall texts are in their correct locations if the player returns to 'Der Eisendrache' where they collected the first text they shall now see the M1927 wallbuy available for purchase. If they go to the help room in 'Nacht der Untoten' they shall see to the right of the Mystery Box location that there is a table where they can now place down weapons. This is very useful in co-op to share a weapon with someone if they need a new one or if they died and lost all their weapons.Its also useful in solo so the player can keep a spare weapon available when needed.

Tommy Gun Wallbuy
Weapon Trading Table

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to unlock the M1927 wallbuy and Weapon Trading Table. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Free Random Perk

Free Perk

If the player goes to 'Der Eisendrache' and activated the anti gravity they can wall run around outside the playable area to collect a Perk Bottle power-up. Once collected this will reward the player with a random perk and if in co-op all players shall be granted a random perk.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to obtain the Free Perk. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

How to Activate Music Easter Egg
'The Gift'

The Gift

To activate the song 'The Gift' by Kevin Sherwood on Revelations the player will need to find and interact with 3 teddy bears located around the map. You can find them in the following areas.

1st teddy bear can be found on the 'Mob of the Dead' island and is sitting on a stall in the 'Infirmary'.

2nd teddy bear can be found on the 'Verruckt' island and is in the room where the giant green containers and KN-47 wallbuy are. The teddy bear is sitting on a wheelchair.

3rd teddy bear is located on the 'Kino der Toten' island and it sitting on a chair in the theater in front of the stage. 


The song can only be played once per game.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the song. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Music Radio

Music Radio

If the player hits 4 grey buttons quickly in 'Nacht der Untoten' they can activate a secret radio which plays multiple songs from across zombies titles. The player simply needs to shoot the radio to activate it, shoot it again to switch songs and knife it to stop it playing music.

Nacht der Untoten (Revelations) Grey Button

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to access the Music Radio. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Dr Monty Perk Jingles

Dr Monty Perk Jingles

The player can activate secret alternate Perk Machine jingles which are sung by Dr Monty. These jingles are for Quick Revive, Jugger-Nog, Speed Cola and Double Tap II. In order to be able to do this the player must have a Perkaholic equipped. Once they do they just need to wait for the perk machine to play its normal jingle then knife it and it shall start playing the Dr Monty version. Each Dr Monty perk jingle can only be activated once per game.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to activate the Dr Monty Perk Machine Jingles. This video is provided by JokerAlex 21.

Richtofen's Grave

Richtofen's Grave

Treyarch put a mini Easter Egg on the grave of Richtofen which was some flowers. This was a nod to the next map that came in Black Ops 4 Blood of the Dead where Richtofen ends up sacrificing himself to help break the cycle.

Richtofen's Grave

This video explains this in more detail. This video is provided by MrDalekJD.

Terminator Reference

Terminator Reference

If the player goes to 'Der Eisendrache' and looks at one of the crypts they shall see a skull with a red eye. This is a reference to the famous film franchise Terminator. Its to the right of the doorway that would lead to the Wunderfizz and 'Kino der Toten'.

Terminator Easter Egg

Whispering Vase

Whispering Vase

In 'Der Eisendrache' the player can find and interact with a vase. When the player interacts with this vase it makes creepy whispering sounds.

The Great War Art

The Great War Art

In 'Kino der Toten' the player can see on the stage a cardboard cut out of the Great War between the Keepers and the Apothicons.

The Great War

Kino der Toten Entrance

Kino der Toten Entrance

For the first time in Revelations the player can see the front of the theater for 'Kino der Toten'. They can see this when using the jump pad from 'Verruckt' to 'Kino der Toten'.

Kino Sign

Truck Noises

Truck Noises

If the player heads to 'Origins' and goes up the trenches from the jump pad that leads to the 'Spawn Room' they shall find a truck that makes lots of strange sounds.

Revelations Easter Egg

Revelations Easter Egg

This is the Main Easter Egg Quest of the map.

Full write up with videos and pictures to come at later date.

If you require a video guide then the video below will show you how to complete the Main Easter Egg Quest. This video is provided by CodeNamePizza.

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Designed by JokerAlex 21

Cod Zombie Guides is not endorsed by, affiliated with, maintained or sponsored by Activision, Activision Blizzard, Activision Shanghai, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, Treyarch, Raven Software, High Moon Studios, Toys for Bob, Beenox and Demonware Software. All video contents, games titles, trade names, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks and or copyright material of their respective owners.

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